General snakes

These gentle species lack venom glands and typically subdue prey through constriction. They are generally docile and make excellent subjects for observation and study.

Key Characteristics

Danger Level

Generally harmless to humans. May bite defensively but not dangerous.


Typically docile and calm. Many species adapt well to handling.

Size Range

Generally 3-6 feet, with some species reaching up to 8 feet.


Adaptable to various habitats, including forests and grasslands.


Can live 20-30 years in captivity with proper care.

what snakes are in Tasmania

Tasmania is home to three types of snakes: the Tiger snake, the Lowland copperhead snake, and the White-lipped snake. All of these snakes are venomous and have special adaptations to survive in Tasmania’s cold climate. This article will explore the characteristics, habitats, and safety tips for dealing with these snakes.

 what snakes are in Tasmania

Key Takeaways

  • Tasmania has three snake species: Tiger snake, Lowland copperhead snake, and White-lipped snake.
  • All three snake species in Tasmania are venomous and can pose a danger if provoked.
  • Snakes in Tasmania are cold-blooded and need to warm up in the sun to become active.
  • These snakes hibernate in winter and come out in spring when it gets warmer.
  • Knowing how to identify these snakes and what to do if you encounter one can help you stay safe.

Tiger Snake in Tasmania

Identification and Characteristics

The tiger snake is a usually timid species which, like most snakes, usually retreats at the approach of a human. They are an interesting snake which despite the name may not have any striping at all. The Tasmanian tiger Snake has recently been shown to be the same species as that which occurs on the south-eastern Australian mainland, (Notechis scutatus). The markings are extremely variable and should not be used in isolation to identify snakes. Colors range from jet black, through yellow/orange with grey.

Habitat and Distribution

Tasmania is home to three snake species: the Tiger snake, the Lowland copperhead snake, and the White lipped snake. These three snakes have dark coloration to absorb heat more efficiently in Tasmania’s cold climate. Likewise, they have highly toxic venom that can adversely affect nerve cells, including those in the heart and lungs. It is important to remember, however, that these snakes are unlikely to attack people except in the case of severe harassment.

Venom and Safety Precautions

Increasing day length and warmer temperatures in late spring tempt Tasmania’s snakes out of winter torpor. All three Tasmanian species (Copperhead Austrelaps superbus, tiger snake Notechis scutatus and white-lipped snake Drysdalia coronoides) are now on the move. While all are venomous, only tiger snakes have claimed human lives, although this was mainly before the development of antivenom in the 1930’s.

Lowland Copperhead Snake in Tasmania

Identification and Characteristics

The Lowland Copperhead snake, also known as Austrelaps superbus, is found in cool and cold climates in south-eastern Australia, including Tasmania. These snakes have a narrow, somewhat pointed head that is barely distinct from the neck. Their color varies from slate grey or black to coppery red-brown, with a yellow-white underside. Juveniles are often paler, sometimes reddish-brown, with a grey head and an indistinct dark band across the nape of the neck.

Habitat and Distribution

Lowland Copperheads typically take shelter in disused animal burrows, dense vegetation, and under natural and man-made debris. They are commonly found in watery environments such as creeks, rivers, or swamps, as well as heavily disturbed areas like dams, canals, and along the verges of roads. They also inhabit grassland, woodland, and open scrub.

Venom and Safety Precautions

The venom of the Lowland Copperhead is highly toxic and can adversely affect nerve cells, including those in the heart and lungs. However, these snakes are unlikely to attack people unless severely harassed. If you encounter a Lowland Copperhead, it is crucial to stay calm and avoid sudden movements. Seek immediate medical attention if bitten, as their venom can be life-threatening.

White-lipped Snake in Tasmania

The White-lipped Snake, also known as Drysdalia coronoides, is the smallest snake species in Tasmania. They have a slender body that can grow up to 50 cm long. Their scales are usually olive green to green-grey, with a pale grey or pink underside. As their name suggests, they have a distinctive white stripe along the edge of their lip.

White-lipped Snakes are found throughout Tasmania, including areas like Freycinet National Park. They prefer to hide under ground debris, rocks, and logs. These snakes are shy and tend to avoid people, making a bite from them a rare event.

Although White-lipped Snakes have venom, their small fangs make bites uncommon. Their venom is not considered highly dangerous to humans. However, it’s always best to avoid handling or disturbing any wild snake. If you encounter one, give it space to escape.

White-lipped Snakes can forage even in winter on sunny days because their small size allows them to warm up quickly.

Behavior and Seasonal Activity of Tasmanian Snakes

During the colder months, Tasmanian snakes enter a state of inactivity known as hibernation. They often find shelter in animal burrows, under large rocks, or in dead trees. As temperatures rise in late spring, Tasmania’s snakes emerge from their winter slumber, becoming more active as they seek out food and mates.

Tasmanian snakes are ectothermic, meaning they rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature. They are most active during the warmer parts of the day, basking in the sun to warm up. In cooler weather, they become sluggish and less active. Snakes are typically seen moving around more frequently in the late spring and summer months.

While encounters with humans are not uncommon, it is important to remember that all three species of Tasmanian snakes are venomous. However, only tiger snakes have been known to cause fatalities, primarily before the development of antivenom in the 1930s. If you come across a snake, it is best to keep a safe distance and avoid disturbing it. Snakes play a crucial role in controlling pest populations, making them an important part of Tasmania’s ecosystem.

Safety Tips for Encountering Snakes in Tasmania

Preventing Snake Encounters

When bushwalking, wear good walking boots with gaiters and sturdy trousers. Be cautious when stepping over logs as snakes may be basking on the other side. Avoid walking through reeds or long grass. If you encounter a snake, you should avoid any sudden movements and back away slowly. Remember, snakes are protected in Tasmania, so do not try to handle or kill them.

First Aid for Snake Bites

If bitten by a snake, follow these steps:

  1. Keep the victim calm and still.
  2. Apply a pressure bandage to the bite area and immobilize the limb.
  3. Do not apply a tourniquet, suck, or cut the bite.
  4. Seek medical help immediately.

It’s important to remember that Tasmanian snakes are unlikely to attack people unless they feel trapped or threatened.

Adaptations of Tasmanian Snakes to Cold Climate

Coloration and Heat Absorption

Tasmanian snakes have dark coloration to absorb heat more efficiently in the cold climate. This adaptation helps them stay active even when temperatures drop. The most cold-tolerant snake known to science can be found in Tasmania.

Behavioral Adaptations

During cooler periods, Tasmanian snakes will aestivate in animal burrows, under large boulders, and in standing dead trees. They may go as deep as 1.2 meters underground to find warmth. They emerge in spring when temperatures warm up.

Venom Potency

All three types of Tasmanian snakes have highly toxic venom that can affect nerve cells, including those in the heart and lungs. This adaptation helps them subdue prey quickly in a cold environment where they might not be able to chase for long distances.

These snakes are unlikely to attack people except in the case of severe harassment.


In summary, Tasmania is home to three types of snakes: the Tiger snake, the Copperhead, and the White-lipped snake. All of these snakes are venomous and have adapted to the cooler climate of the region. They are generally not aggressive and will avoid humans unless they feel threatened. Understanding their behavior and habitat can help reduce the risk of encounters. By staying informed and cautious, residents and visitors can safely share the environment with these fascinating reptiles.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of snakes are found in Tasmania?

Tasmania is home to three types of snakes: the Tiger snake, the Lowland copperhead snake, and the White-lipped snake. All three are venomous.

Are Tasmanian snakes dangerous to humans?

Yes, all three species have venom that can be harmful to humans. However, they generally only bite if provoked or threatened.

When are snakes most active in Tasmania?

Snakes in Tasmania are most active during the warmer months, especially from late spring to early autumn. They hibernate during the winter.

What should I do if I see a snake?

If you see a snake, it’s best to stay calm and slowly back away. Do not try to touch or capture it. Give the snake space to move away.

How can I avoid snake bites?

To avoid snake bites, wear long pants and boots when walking in snake-prone areas, stay on clear paths, and avoid tall grass and rocks where snakes may hide.

What should I do if I get bitten by a snake?

If you get bitten by a snake, seek medical help immediately. Try to stay calm and keep the affected limb still. Call emergency services for assistance.